Innovative Investments


Economically viable and future-oriented, solid and sustainable rates of return - these are the main characteristics of the projects of Aßmann Holding GmbH.
With the respective to investments, national and international projects from the business areas "Secure Data & Communication", "Innovative Recycling" and "Visionary Green Energy" create the basis for our positive and solid success.


Corporate and project management by Aßmann Holding GmbH, its subsidiaries and partners, provide companies and projects with sustainable viability, stability and security.
Aßmann Holding GmbH provides success-oriented support with its management know-how on an as-needed basis and thus achieves long-term positive results for companies and projects.

Secure Data & Communication

It is essential for corporate security that protection against CyberCrime is guaranteed for data transmission and storage as well as for communication. In view of the damage caused by CyberCrime, which now exceeds USD 600 billion annually worldwide, the cost-benefit analysis for the data and information security of each individual company is changing fundamentally.
"Secure Data & Communication", a constantly growing business field of Aßmann Holding GmbH, future-oriented with solid and successful results.


Innovative Recycling

Recycling under economic conditions is the long-term prerequisite for developing functioning markets in this sector. There are already innovative processes today that meet the demands of economic efficiency: processes that produce recyclable materials or also providing energy.
Innovative investments, professional corporate and project management are the main building blocks for solid returns and a functioning environmental service branch in the "Innovative Recycling" business segment of Aßmann Holding GmbH.


Visionary Green Energy

In times of increasing climate change and in relation to existing resources, it is indispensable that options to make energy production more flexible are used to secure the required energy capacities. Renewable energies are already being used today as adaptable components of regional energy networks.
National and international projects in the business field "Visionary Green Energy" represent an essential core area of Aßmann Holding GmbH, in innovative investments as well as in corporate and project management.